
Social Performance

Economic Impact
We are committed to building strong relationships with all stakeholders and positively impacting our
local communities for many generations.

Fast Facts
We employee roughly 400 people.
75% local hire commitment
Between 2011-2025, Eagle Mine’s direct and indirect impact is estimated to generate an
additional $4.3 billion for Michigan’s economy.
$4 billion boost to
the Marquette
County economy
$570 million estimated in local procurement
$240 million estimated in state/local taxes
and royalties
Social Investments

Lundin Foundation
The Lundin Foundation, Eagle Mine, and Northern Initiatives partnered to create a new program to benefit area entrepreneurs.
The Eagle Emerging Entrepreneur Fund is an innovative partnership to enhance the accessibility and affordability of loans and technical assistance to micro and small enterprises in Marquette County. The Fund launched in 2013 and is managed by Northern Initiatives, responsible for assessing and approving loans.

Accelerate U.P.
Accelerate U.P. (AUP) is a grassroots community project which offers free and confidential business coaching within Marquette County to promote entrepreneurial success. We believe the future of every community lies in capturing the talent, energy, and imagination of its people. AUP launched in 2013 to address the boom and bust cycle that is typical of mining.
The ultimate goal is to create as many jobs outside of the mining industry as we create in the industry.

Alger Technical Middle College
The Marquette Alger Technical Middle College is a public tuition-free early college program that offers students an integrated high school and college program. MATMC enables students from throughput Marquette and Alger counties to earn a high school diploma, a significant number of college credits, and a Technical Certificate from
Northern Michigan University at no cost to the student or their families. This program, created by the partnering of Eagle Mine, Marquette-Alger RESA, local school districts, and NMU, will increase the technical skills in demand in Marquette County and create
jobs for local people.