Eagle Mine is an underground, high-grade nickel and copper mine located in western Marquette County of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. It is the first mine to be permitted under Michigan’s Part 632 Non-Ferrous Mineral Mining Law. The mine is expected to produce 440 million pounds of nickel, 429 million pounds of copper, and trace amounts of other minerals over its estimated mine life (2014 – 2029).

Our Mission
To produce high-quality nickel and copper with industry best practices in safety, environmental protection and community engagement for modern mining.
Our Values

We hold health and safety as our top priority in everything we do.

We embrace diversity, inclusion, open dialogue, and collaboration.

We do what is right and honor our commitments.

We set high standards and challenge ourselves to deliver superior performance.
What is Eagle Mine?Eagle Mine is a high-grade, underground mine that produces nickel and copper. In addition, the mine is a Greenfield project, meaning that it had not been mined previously.
Who is responsible for enforcing mining regulations to ensure compliance with laws?The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy Department (EGLE) has primary responsibility for enforcing compliance with all air, water and mining regulations, as well as mine reclamation once mining is complete. The mining regulations are administered by the Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division (OGMD) pursuant to the statutory requirements of Part 632, of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended MCL 324.6301. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) enforces health and safety standards for all surface and underground operations at Eagle.
Do Eagle's permits meet the rules and regulations of Michigan's metallic hard rock mining law?Yes. Eagle was designed to meet or exceed the rules and requirements of the Michigan Non-Ferrous Metallic Mining Law and has received all the necessary state permits. We strongly supported the establishment of strict standards and regulations for non-ferrous metallic mining before submitting applications to the EGLE for the Eagle Mine and Humboldt Mill. These regulations provide the company with clear standards that must be met for mining to occur; they provide the public with assurances that requirements for environmental protection are being met. Eagle does not require federal permits.
What is financial assurance and how is it the amount determined?Michigan law provides a specific methodology for determining the appropriate amount of financial assurance of each proposed mining project. Financial assurance guarantees that there are sufficient funds to pay for the clean-up, closure, and post-closure of mining operations. For Eagle, surety bonds are in place for both the mine and mill totaling over $55 million with the State named as beneficiary.
What is a metallic mineral mine?A metallic mineral mine is an orebody formed in the presence of naturally occurring sulfur. This type of orebody contains minerals such as pentlandite (a nickel mineral) and chalcopyrite (a copper mineral). Sulfide is not mined but is host to these important minerals and metals.
Why are metallic mineral mines important?Metallic mineral mines are important because the overwhelming majority of base metals such as copper, nickel, silver, lead, and zinc come from sulfide orebodies. These metals are essential to our economy and provide the foundation for the production of basic construction materials, electronics, and power distribution.
What is nickel used for?Nickel is one of the most important and strategic base metals used in our society. It is used to make everything from cars and appliances to aeronautics and high tech medical instruments, to household batteries and environmentally friendly hybrid cars. Nickel is what gives stainless steel its exceptional strength and corrosion resistant properties. These, along with many other products are critical to our nation’s economy.
What is copper used for?Copper, with its principal alloys, bronze, and brass, have an important role in our society. It is used for things like plumbing, electrical wiring, wind turbines, and medical equipment. Copper can be easily shaped, molded, rolled into sheets, or drawn into thin wire. It does not easily rust, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and is 100% recyclable. In many respects, modern life would not be possible without copper.
In what ways will Eagle Mine benefit the local community?At Eagle Mine, we are committed to leaving a positive impact on the community for generations to come. One of our original commitments to the community was a 75 percent local hire goal. Today, more than 85 percent of our direct and indirect hires come from the Upper Peninsula. It is estimated that between 2011 and 2025, Eagle Mine’s direct and indirect impact will generate an additional $4.3 billion for Michigan’s economy ($4 billion for Marquette County). Eagle will also provide $570 million in local procurement and $240 million in state/local taxes and royalties over the life of the mine. We’ve also started initiatives like Accelerate U.P. to help combat the boom and bust cycle of mining by creating jobs outside of the industry.
What percentage of jobs are drawn from the local community?One of Eagle’s original commitments to the community was a 75 percent local hire goal. After one year of operations, more than 80% of our roughly 200 direct employees were hired from the Upper Peninsula (U.P.). With the U.P. history in mining, we will have a wealth of skilled and experienced miners, engineers, mechanics and other qualified workers with the right knowledge, and responsibility for the safety we seek.
How is Lundin ensuring an environmentally safe mine?Environmental responsibility and protection is a priority. In line with our Environment Policy and Associated Standards, we have developed and implemented a number of programs at Eagle focused on air quality, ecosystems services, biodiversity, climate change, energy, land, water, waste, and closure. These programs include input from our local communities as well as from experts in these fields. We’ve studied the ore body and surrounding area to determine the best approach to development with minimal surface disturbance. We also developed demonstrated measures that protect important groundwater and surface water bodies. Two separate but complementary systems — a multi-lined storage area for rock brought to the surface for temporary storage and a water treatment plant — work together to ensure water discharged back to the environment is safe. Both were created to prevent any water that comes into contact with the development rock from entering groundwater or nearby surface water bodies. Water from the site is treated to better than drinking water quality before being discharged.
What is the Community Environmental Monitoring ProgramWe aim to be up-front and honest about our impact on the environment by participating in a progressive approach to transparency called the Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP). At the heart of CEMP are three well-known community organizations: Superior Watershed Partnership (SWP) Community Foundation of Marquette County (CFMC) Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) The SWP and KBIC monitor our environmental performance and report back to the community, and the CFMC ensures that the program funding is at arm's length. We have committed to funding the CEMP for $300,000 per year. We're confident the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is setting a new benchmark for community oversight of modern mining with this model.
What happens when mining ends at Eagle Mine?When mining operations cease at Eagle Mine, our efforts will be focused on reclaiming the land to its natural state. In order to preserve the environment, any land that was disrupted during the mining process will be restored quickly and efficiently. Per our permit, everything including concrete, buildings, power lines, asphalt, etc., must be taken out. Community input is important to consider prior to reclamation activities. Reclamation will take roughly 5-7 years and post-closure environmental monitoring lasting 20 years.